Behind Every Founder CEO Who Scales Is A Strong  


We support scale by matching Founder CEOs with a 2nd-In-Command who can execute their vision fast, risk-free, and with clear ROI.

What if you could free up 30 hours in your week as CEO?

Would you use that time to create new products and partnerships to scale revenue? Or perhaps prepare to sell? Maybe spend more time with family?

Well, with the right 2nd-In-Command, now you can.

Have we piqued your interest? Watch the video demo on our proven 4-Step Process.

An Overview of Our Proven Process

1. Define

Define your right-fit counterpart with 2IC Compatibility™ to help develop a clear Success Profile for the right-fit person you need to help support scale and free you up from the day-to-day.

2. Find

Find your match fast with our 2IC Network and Opportunity Recruiting™ to find the right caliber of candidates, identify an internal candidate on your team, or leverage talent from your network to make the right hire.

3. Onboard

Onboard risk-free and free up 30 hours per week with a Delegation Plan™, guaranteed to show you an ROI within the first 30 days of your initial hire.

4. Support

Support both you and your 2nd-In-Command’s growth with our Scaling Support Platform™. We help you work together to execute your vision and scale your company together.

We Provide The 4-Steps You Need to Support Scale As Founder CEO

Our 4-step process and methodology have worked for over 150 Founder CEOs (and counting!). It’s time to let it work for you.

Founder CEO

You are passionate about your business vision, but you’re stuck playing the role of "Chief Everything Officer". You’re experiencing overwhelm and possibly even burnout, all because you’re missing your 2nd-In-Command. Take a deep breath, you've come to the right place to find your business' missing link so you can scale your business, execute your vision and build the world’s best workplaces together.

The 2nd-In-Command

This 2nd-In-Command counterpart has been called many different roles over time, including Executive Administrator (EA), Chief of Staff (COS), Chief Operating Officer (COO), Integrator, or even President. They are the Founder CEO’s “Missing Link” who can help them support scale by executing on their vision and help build a better future; they are the management focused "Yin" to your visionary CEO "Yang".

Hear From Our Clients

“The 2nd-In-Command Unleashed hired for me is now taking over everything I don't like to do. We're $20K more profitable each month and I'm working half as much.”

Luke Mardigan

Owner | The Mardigan Agency and Agency ID Consulting

“One of the biggest wins has been not feeling alone anymore… just this week a couple of employees called in sick and the Operations Manager they hired handled everything … that feels amazing!”

Mark Hardaway

Owner | Ecospin & Happy Nest Laundry Services

“One of my biggest wins while working with Unleashed was hiring a great team member that gave me peace of mind and a sense of relief that I didn't have before.”

Rick Smith

Owner | Rick Smith Insurance Agency 

“We hit a 10 out of 10 making sure we hired the right person… Unleashed has an incredible program and I would definitely recommend Unleashed 100% of the time.”

Rob Smith

Owner | The Rob Smith Team 

“The big win was getting clearer on my vision and finding the proper candidate to move it forward...myself, my son and (the unleashed team), all three of us matched on the right person... She checked off so many boxes for me.”

Paul Thebeau 

Owner | CMS Services 

Are you ready to take the first step to transform from Chief Everything Officer to an Unleashed CEO?